JUYI (Joining Up Your Information) is a digital care record system for sharing health information in Gloucestershire.

It was first introduced in September 2018 and allows instant, secure access to your health and social care records for the professionals involved in your care.

In this section you can find out about JUYI and the security of your personal information.

JUYI is a software system that allows instant, secure access to your health and social care records for the professionals involved in your care making your care safer, more efficient and joined-up.

The record combines key information from Gloucestershire Health and Social Care services, such as GP practices, the hospital and social care. This information combines into a single, shared digital record all about you.

Click here to see an up-to-date list of partners who are signed up to JUYI.

Why we share information

You probably expect that the people who look after you already have instant access to relevant information about you. However, different organisations often store their information separately, which means it has not always been easily available to other services, especially in times of emergency.

JUYI reduces the time spent by professionals checking details from different health and social care organisations. It can also reduce delays to your treatment caused by a lack of information. It means GPs, doctors, nurses and care practitioners can deliver the safest and most effective care to you.

The benefits of JUYI:

  • key parts of your records are immediately available to care professionals who are involved in your care
  • members of your care team can access the information they need to look after you, even if they work for different organisations in Gloucestershire
  • you only have to tell your story once
  • safer and faster treatment
  • reduced duplication of tests and results
  • a much more joined-up approach to the care you receive

What information is shared about me?

Most health and care organisations in Gloucestershire who provide care for you will share the key information about you that they input into their own systems with JUYI.

Below is a list of organisations that currently share information with JUYI:

  • Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
  • Gloucestershire GP surgeries
  • Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust
  • Gloucestershire County Council
  • Integrated Care 24

Under the Article 15 UK GDPR, you can ask to see any information that any organisation that cares for you has stored about you. This includes copies of paper, electronic and hybrid patient health records.

Who can view my information?

JUYI is accessible to appropriate health and care staff who are involved in your direct care in Gloucestershire.

Below is a list of organisations that can currently view information in JUYI.

  • Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust 
  • Gloucestershire GP surgeries 
  • Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust 
  • Gloucestershire County Council 
  • South Western Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust
  • Longfield Hospice
  • Sue Ryder Hospice
  • Great Oaks Hospice
  • Kate’s Home Nursing
  • Tetbury Hospital
  • Integrated Care 24

To opt out or back into JUYI, please contact your GP who will be able to process this. You can also complete the form below and return it to your GP:

JUYI Sharing Preference Form

If you do register an objection, you should understand that it could negatively impact the care you receive. If health and care staff are unable to access your medical record:

  • It might mean that tests or investigations are repeated because results from other organisations can’t be accessed.
  • You may need to repeat the same information to different staff.
  • The staff treating you won’t be able to see what has happened to you in different parts of the NHS. They will only be able to see the record in their organisation such as that particular hospital or GP practice.
  • They might not know what medication you’re taking.
  • It may delay treatment.
  • It will not stop health and care staff contacting one another to ask questions about your history.
  • You may not be conscious or able to share details about your medical history if you arrive at hospital.

Click here to be taken to the full privacy notice.