Discover help and support to stay warm this winter

Living in a cold or damp home can have a big impact on your health.

Some health problems can get worse in cold weather so it’s important to keep your home warm.Heating your home to a steady, comfortable temperature is best for your health. If you are older or have a health condition, try to heat your home to a minimum of 18C.Many people are worried about being able to afford to heat their home with the rising cost of fuel. Support is available if you are struggling to heat your home this winter.

Gloucestershire Libraries will be offering a free, warm and welcoming spaces in local communities across the county this winter as part of the Warm and Welcome scheme. There are also several organisations who can offer practical help if you are struggling to stay warm this winter.

Useful links and resources

A fitter home for a healthy future

Warm and Well

Free energy efficiency advice to help you stay warmer and healthier in your home.

Help with your energy this winter

Energy Saving Trust

Energy efficiency and clean energy solutions.

Warm libraries

Gloucestershire Libraries

Free, warm and welcoming spaces in communities across the county.

Goverment advice on winter fuel payments

Winter Fuel Payment

Information on the Government winter fuel payment scheme.

Support from local service

Gloucestershire Welfare Support Scheme

Practical support to eligible adults and families for food, gas/electricity top ups
and household items.

Community groups for stay warm

GL11 Warm Hub Partners

Warm hub partners providing #WarmGL11 venues across Cam and Dursley this winter.

Free to use warm spaces

Warm Welcome UK

Warm and welcoming spaces that you can use for free this winter.